Healthcare Acoustics
New or refurbishment healthcare facilities, existing premises where improvements are needed…
The acoustic requirements for healthcare facilities are set by Health Technical Memorandum HTM 08-01. This document covers internal sound level, sound insulation between spaces, services noise, layout and construction methods.
We can also work with you to form bespoke acoustic performance criteria to meet the needs of individual developments and projects.
Acoustic Design
The acoustic design of new and refurbished healthcare buildings is essential to ensure that they are fit for purpose and allow the most effective service to be offered. There are instances where a high degree of confidentiality is required between rooms or carefully controlled soundscapes to ensure concentration can be maintained and communication to remain clear. There are other circumstances when a higher degree of sound transmission is desirable, so for example patients across a ward can be heard by staff.
The growing awareness of the importance of mental health means that more facilities are required – the acoustic environment forms an important part of these vital treatment facilities. We can provide pragmatic and expert consultancy for a wide range of healthcare projects to ensure that the completed development provides the acoustic environments needed to maximise the effectiveness of treatment.
Investigation and Problem Solving
Sometimes an existing building is repurposed and it transpires that the acoustics are not fit for the intended new purpose. We can provide assistance to quantify the situation through on site tests and investigation, then discuss technical and practicable possibilities to improve the situation. For example, if an existing building is used to provide a suite of consultation rooms, sound transmission between them can prohibit confidential discussion and treatment.