S & D Garritt Limited Acoustic Consultant | About Us

Leading the way in acoustics since 1981…

Company History

S & D Garritt Limited Acoustic Consultant was first setup in the early 1980’s by the late Stephen Garritt as S.F. Garritt Ltd. During his years of service, his children David and Elizabeth learned the subject and both joined the business. The company is now owned jointly by David and Elizabeth and we are both highly committed to upholding the highest standard of acoustic consultancy.

We have been members of The Association of Noise Consultants (ANC) since 2006 and we are also members of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA). David became a member in 2005, Elizabeth in 2009 and Steve was originally an IOA member in 1977!

We have both been involved with acoustics since a young age, joining our Dad at various (suitable) sites as teenagers. We are possibly the only siblings who have tried to sort out the ‘Your music is too loud’ childhood arguments with the assistance of a sound level meter!